- INQUIRY REPORT: Please see the blog entry below for more information.
- TRIVIA: Students are required to write 5-10 interesting trivia questions related to their topic. The trivia questions can be written as a list, on notecards, or in any creative way the student chooses. Answers must be included.
- VOCABULARY: 5-10 important vocabulary words must be written and include a definition and a picture. The definition must be accurate and should be well-written. The picture can be hand-drawn, printed off a computer, cut from a newspaper or magazine, or taken as a photograph. The vocabulary can be displayed in any creative way the student chooses.
When is the Inquiry Fair?
The Inquiry Fair has been rescheduled to after spring break. The date is set for Thursday, April 18. More information will follow.
What project will my child have to do?
The students have already begun brainstorming ideas for the fair. Students are encouraged to be creative and can choose a project that they are excited to work on. Some of their ideas include:
- Are You Smarter Than A Fifth (or Fourth) Grader?
- Wheel of Energy
- Prezi (a cloud-based presentation)
- Power Point
- Demonstration/Experiment
- Picture Book
- Poster
- Display Board
- Trivia Pursuit
- and many others!
What requirements are there? Can my child just display anything?
The students working with Mrs. Graff and Mrs. Ceel are working on Forms of Energy. Many students are working independently, while others have chosen to work with a partner or in a group of three. The project for the Inquiry Fair should show what the students have learned. Information could include energy concepts, trivia questions, vocabulary, diagrams, illustrations/pictures, a demonstration or experiment. The sky is the limit! Please make sure that the information displayed is accurate and science-based!
What can I do at home to support my child and to help prepare him/her for the Inquiry Fair?
- Provide structured time at home for you child to focus on the project. Remind your child that the project will be on display for everyone to see at the Fair. Be proud of your work!
- Help your child to set work-time goals so the project does not get done the day before the Inquiry Fair
- Provide the necessary supplies for your child to complete the project
- Help to proofread the work as it gets done. Make sure your child works in pencil first!
- Encourage your child to ask the teacher questions about the Inquiry Fair and his/her project.
Will time be provided at school for this project?
The students have already had class time to begin working on their project. They will continue to have some work-time on their project between now and Spring Break (March 27). After that, the project will need to be finished at home. Students who chose to work with a partner will need to coordinate the project work-time together.
Please contact Mrs. Graff or Mrs. Ceel if you have any questions.
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