Wednesday, January 29, 2014

SURVIVE ALIVE-Rescheduled for February 13

The fourth grade field trip to Survive Alive has been rescheduled for Thursday, February 13th.  Students should practice reciting their phone number and home address. They will be expected to do this at Survive Alive when they practice calling 911. Thank you!


Last week, all students in Team Shine took a mid-year spelling assessment. We will use this assessment to form new Word Work groups. These groups will begin on Monday, February 3. There will be no new assignments until that time. If you have any questions, please let us know!
Team Shine Teachers
Mrs. Graff & Miss Reichert

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


            From Monday, May 19th – Wednesday, May 21st 2014, all fifth grade students from General Mitchell School in Mrs. Graff’s, Miss Reichert’s, Miss Dierbeck’s, and Miss Jirjis’s rooms will be going to Camp Upham Woods which is located a few miles north of the Wisconsin Dells.  Upham Woods is a State 4-H Center, owned and operated by the University of Wisconsin.
            The boys and girls will gain insight into human relations, knowledge and appreciation of the out-of-doors, and leadership responsibilities.  Such opportunities are provided through small group living, sharing of responsibilities, practical experience in outdoor skills, and conservation practices.  These educational experiences can best be provided in a non-classroom setting such as Upham Woods.
            There will be an information meeting for all parents and their fifth grade child on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11th, 2014 from 6:30-8:00 P.M. in the multipurpose room.  At that time, we will explain the trip more completely, provide an overview of this year’s schedule, outline the costs for both students and chaperones, and respond to your questions or concerns.  We will also discuss the students’ requirements for attending this trip. Health and Student Expectation Forms will be handed out as well. Parents who are interested in becoming a chaperone will be able to sign up that night.

            This year all the students attending camp had an opportunity to participate in the Nature’s Vision fundraiser. We will also sell Racine Kringles.  The Kringles fund raiser order forms will be handed out that night.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Program ends Thursday, February 6

The Six Flags Read to Succeed Program has begun. Your child should have brought home a reading log to keep track of the 360 minutes (6 hours) required. Participating in this program is strictly voluntary, and the reward is a Six Flags admission ticket for each student who successfully reads for  6 hours. The verification log is due by Thursday, February 6.  Please let us know if you need an extra copy.


Good luck to Team Shine's Spelling Bee participants! Mitchell's Spelling Bee will take place on Wednesday, January 15 in the Multipurpose Room at 1:30 pm. The champion will participate in the District Spelling Bee on Wednesday, January 29 at Nathan Hale at 6:30 pm.