Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Character Dress Up Day

Hello Familes,

Below is a letter describing our Character Dress Up Day coming up in January. Another reminder will be sent out about this after break. 



Please make sure your child has a binder for school. They will be putting different materials for different subjects in there. Thank you!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


The Nature's Vision Fundraiser was a huge success! Our fifth graders earned a total profit of $2,500. I would like to personally thank each fifth grade family that participated in this fundraiser. You did fabulous! Because of your efforts, we are on our way to a greatly reduced cost for our students to Camp Upham Woods this May. Fundraiser pick-up is this Thursday and Friday. Please see the earlier post for more information.


Team Shine is now immersing themselves in everything about the Great Midwest - the region that we all live in! Students are exploring books, web sites, and videos to learn more about the history, culture, economics, and geography of the region. Students will eventually work in cooperative groups to become experts about the questions that they have chosen to investigate. The goal is for students to have selected their questions of inquiry by winter break. More information will be posted in our Units of Inquiry Moodle. Please let us know if you have any questions.

5th Grade BAKE SALE

At Thursday's Winter Sing, the PTA is helping the 5th Grade Class sponsor a bake sale. All proceeds will help reduce costs for the trip to Upham Woods in May. Our goal is for each 5th grade family to donate an item to this bake sale. ANY items left over after the Winter Sing will be available for the 4/5 students to purchase this Friday for 25 or 50 cents.  A huge THANK YOU to Margie White for organizing this bake sale.

5th Grade Nature's Vision Fundraiser Pick-Up

If you participated in the Nature's Vision Fundraiser for Camp Upham Woods, your items have been delivered and are ready to be picked up. Please make sure you inspect your order as soon as possible. If you are missing an item or have an item that you did not order, please let me know. I will need the order form and the item that is incorrect. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Mrs. Graff
414-604-4500 x1502

Pick up will take place in Room 110:
Thursday, December 12 after school until 4:00 pm and after the conclusion of the Winter Sing
Friday, December 13 after school until 4:30 pm

Friday, December 6, 2013


Attached is a link regarding a math program we use daily with the kids called Dreambox.  This is a great resource that they can use at home for extra practice.              
Students should click on their classroom teacher and they should also know their log in information.  If they do not, they can ask us and we can send home a sheet with that information on it.
Dreambox is a program for students to use independently.   As district policy, students should not be using pencil or paper to solve any math problems on the program.  The program creates math problems based on how well students are answering them and modifies future questions to their ability level.

If you have any questions please email us.

Team Shine Teachers